Emerdis Anti Fraud & Corruption Policy
Download a copy of our latest policy
Emerdis and its staff are committed to maintain high legal, ethical, and moral standards, to adhere to the principles of integrity, objectivity and honesty in the way that they conduct their business. The objective of this policy is to:
promote a culture which deters fraudulent activity
facilitate the prevention and detection of fraud
facilitate the implementation of timely and appropriate procedures that aid in the investigation of fraud and related offences
The term ‘fraud’ is commonly used to describe a wide range of misconducts including theft, corruption, embezzlement, bribery, forgery, misrepresentation, collusion, money laundering and concealment of material facts. It often involves the use of deception to make a personal gain for oneself, a connected person or a third party, or a loss for another; intention is the key element that distinguishes fraud from irregularity.
Fraud is not limited to financial impact, but also when causing damage to the reputation of an organisation responsible for managing funds effectively and efficiently.
Corruption is the abuse of power for private gain.
Emerdis commit to:
undertaking a regular review of the fraud risk; with the help of the external third parties where applicable
establishing an effective anti-fraud policy and fraud awareness plan
ensuring an adequate system of internal control exists
preventing and detecting fraud
ensuring due diligence and implementing precautionary actions in case of suspected fraud
taking corrective measures, including any administrative and or disciplinary penalties
Fraud should be reported internally, or when senior management involvement is suspected through https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/hm-revenue-customs
Emerdis Anti-Fraud policy is reviewed and published on an annual basis

Emerdis Limited
Registered in England and Wales under registration number 8639178.
Registered office: Invision House, Wilbury Way, Hitchin SG4 0TY, UK

Emerdis Services Limited
Registered in England and Wales under registration number 9774674.
Registered office: Invision House, Wilbury Way, Hitchin SG4 0TY, UK