Emerdis Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy
In accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, this statement will be reviewed and published annually.
Emerdis strives to make ethical business choices when it comes to preventing modern slavery and modern day human trafficking.
We will not knowingly support or deal with any business that engages in slavery or human trafficking. In furtherance of these objectives, Emerdis confirms that through a process of due diligence we will regularly review our supply chain to ensure we are not supporting modern slavery or human trafficking in any way. Policies and procedures are in place that aim to minimise the risk of modern slavery within our supply chain. We will provide an appropriate level of training for staff who are directly involved in procurement of services and products to ensure they are aware of their responsibilities. Evidence of any such infringement will be reported through appropriate channels.
During our trading history we have not identified any instances of modern slavery within our supply chain and are confident that following our existing policies and procedures will enable us to address any future concerns that may arise.
Emerdis Modern Slavery policy is reviewed and published on an annual basis.

Emerdis Limited
Registered in England and Wales under registration number 8639178.
Registered office: Invision House, Wilbury Way, Hitchin SG4 0TY, UK

Emerdis Services Limited
Registered in England and Wales under registration number 9774674.
Registered office: Invision House, Wilbury Way, Hitchin SG4 0TY, UK